Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Two years?!?!

Two years ago I started this blog and I haven't written anything since. Well today Facebook told me it's been two years.
So,  what has happened in two years? I married an amazing woman who I love spending every minute with. We had a baby together, who is now 10.5 months old. And if that's not enough she is now pregnant with twins.
I'll try and keep up with this more, because everyone deserves to see my life. My family and I are awesome, so you're welcome. Check back soon.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Indiana Jones Marathon

So I spent quality time this weekend having an Indiana Jones Marathon. That's right, all four Indy movies in a row. And let me tell you, it was awesome. 
As I watch movies, I like to read the trivia about it. I also like to watch all the special features, it's my "geek thing." My favorite fact is that Indiana Jones was born and raised in Utah. So I thought, "Was Indy Mormon?" No, no he was not. Although his moral fiber of making sure ancient artifacts were returned to a museum, where they rightfully belonged, that's about as far as he goes. But still, from southern Utah isn't too bad.
Another thing I focused on was Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. When it came out it got a lot of bad talk associated with it. Well guess what? It's the same quality as the previous three, just adjusted for twenty years later. The first three took place in the 1930's, (1935, 1936, and 1938 to be exact) so of course Nazi's would be the enemy. But 20 years later, during the Cold War Era Russians would be the logical choice for Indy to fight. And only Raiders of the Lost Arc and The Last Crusade had biblical "treasures" that Indy was searching for, Temple of Doom was a "magical" rock. So why is a crystal alien skull hard to fathom. Watch The History Channel, many theorist, "wackos", believe there was alien help in native South American culture. Also, people didn't like that Crystal Skull was "cartoony" or slap-stick, well guess what, the first three Indiana Jones movies were modeled to be 1930 B-movies and Crystal Skull was supposed to be modeled after the 1950 B-movies. So, that's a thing, and pulled of well. 
What I learned watching all four movies in a row, was that they all hold up well. The writing and directing from Raiders to Crystal Skull are fun, exciting, and humorous. So go back and watch your favorite story today, or spend 8 hours and watch them all.

Starting New

Well, it's been a long time since I wrote on a blog. But now it's time to get back to it, I guess. So since I wrote last I got divorced, moved to California, and am engaged to a wonderful Woman, Melanie Fellows. Soon my family will grow with the addition to her and her sweet boy, Tyler. So let the fun begin.